Emergency Management
Emergencies can be a variety of things including, pandemics, fires, earthquakes, and lockdowns.
The signal for an evacuation, such as fire, is a continuous ringing or evacuation message. We meet on the tennis courts close to the PE Shed. A roll of all students, staff and visitors is taken.
In case of an earthquake we Drop, Cover and Hold until it is safe to exit the buildings.
A lockdown or shelter-in-place may be signalled by the principal or their delegate, and authorities such as the New Zealand Police. If required, parents will be contacted to come pick up their child when it is safe for everyone.
Even though tsunamis don't affect the school, parents may be affected in their ability to pick up their children. We will hold children at school until someone is able to pick them up. or arrangements are made.
Communication During an Emergency, Disaster, or Crisis
We have developed a communication plan that identifies who is responsible for communications, which communication methods we will use, and who we will contact and liaise with in the event of an emergency, disaster, or crisis.
The principal is in charge of overseeing emergency communications, but may delegate this to other board or staff members.
Communicating with staff and students
We have a plan for communicating with staff during an emergency, disaster, or crisis. We also consider how to share appropriate information with students to help them deal with the event.
Communicating with whānau
In an emergency, disaster, or crisis the school contacts parents/caregivers/whānau when it can, using the emergency contact details provided, and releases information to the school community as appropriate. Depending on the circumstances, our available communication options may include:
texting/messaging or phoning parents/caregivers
The school website has a dedicated emergency communication page for ongoing emergencies.
Social Facebook and school app are also used
putting up signs
emailing parents/caregivers
informing local media outlets.
Parents/Caregivers must follow any instructions issued by the school, including not coming to the school to see or collect their children if advised. This is particularly important when the school is in lockdown under police instruction.
Our communications with whānau explain how parents/caregivers can be reunited with their children in the event of school closure.
Other communications
Our communication plan includes procedures for notifying and liaising with the appropriate emergency service organisations and other relevant services and stakeholders to gain advice, support, and discuss logistics.
We also consider how to manage media enquiries. At our school, the designated media contacts are the board chair and/or principal. The board chair and principal may work closely to prepare a response to a media enquiry, and determine together who speaks to the media.